2 children drown in Korotoa

Two minor young men suffocated in the Korotoa River at Bishwanath Ghat in Ghoraghat upazila in Dinajpur on Saturday evening. 

The expired were recognized as Rifat Mia, 7, child of Late Ahmed Ali of Kulandandapur town and Omar Faruk, 6, child of Mukul Islam of a similar town in the upazila. 

Both the children slipped into the waterway while playing close to the stream bank after school. 

Being educated by another companion, local people recouped one off the bodies. Afterward, a group of flame benefit and common barrier from Rangpur recouped the other body following three hours of distracted endeavors. 

Afterward, the bodies were given over to their particular families, said
2 children drown in Korotoa 2 children drown in Korotoa Reviewed by The world News on March 11, 2018 Rating: 5

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