300 prostate disease patients get free treatment

Three hundred poor patients experiencing prostate-related infections have gotten free treatment amid a month-long free-benefit program offered by Ad-commotion Hospital. 

As a major aspect of its free-treatment program, the healing facility likewise effectively led tasks on 50 patients under the supervision of Ad-clamor Women's Medical College Principal and eminent urologist Professor Afiquor Rahman. 

Promotion racket Hospital gives diverse sorts of administrations to poor patients round-the-year for nothing. As a component of the endeavors, it led a month-long administration program in February for the prostate patients. 

The experts on Tuesday composed the end function of the program at the therapeutic doctor's facility's Barrister Rafique-ul Huq theater in the city. 

Promotion Din Hospital chief (therapeutic instruction) Dr Anwar Hossain Munshi, Ad-Din Medical College Director Dr Tariqul Islam and the patients who got treatment were available on the event. 

Communicating his feelings, Professor Afiquor said it was one of the most joyful occasions of his life. 

"I don't realize what to state and how to express my sentiments. 

Be that as it may, when I see any prostate malady persistent, my dad confront comes into my brain as my dad experienced this ailment. I know the misery or torment of this sickness. That is the reason I get an alternate sort of motivation and quality offering treatment to the patients," he said. 

Commending the clinic's Executive Director Dr Sheik Mohiuddin for the program, he said the entire acknowledge goes to him as he was the individual who made the chance to give free treatment to the poor patients for nothing. 

Abdur Rahim, a patient having gotten free treatment stated: "When I came to see the specialists for my prostate issues, they proposed surgery. I got apprehensive. Be that as it may, the specialists persuaded me to experience the activity. It was better than average understanding for me and I am appreciative to them". 

Among others, healing facility's task theater in-control Dr Lunia Rahman and male ward in-control Aminul Islam were additionally present at the program.

300 prostate disease patients get free treatment 300 prostate disease patients get free treatment Reviewed by The world News on March 07, 2018 Rating: 5

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