Walk 21, the world observes World Poetry Day which was pronounced in the 30th session of UNESCO held in Paris.
As indicated by UNESCO, one of the primary targets of the Day is to help semantic decent variety through graceful articulation and to offer jeopardized dialects the chance to be heard inside their groups.
The confined winged animal sings with a dreadful trill
Of things obscure yet ached for still
Also, his tune is heard on the inaccessible slope
For the confined winged animal sings of flexibility
- 'I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings', Maya Angelou
Down, down, down into the obscurity of the grave
Delicately they go, the excellent, the delicate, the kind;
Discreetly they go, the insightful, the clever, the overcome.
I know. Be that as it may, I don't favor. What's more, I am not surrendered
- 'Requiem Without Music', Edna St. Vincent Millay
Love isn't love Which modifies when it change finds,
Or on the other hand twists with the remover to evacuate:
O no; it is an ever-settled stamp,
That looks on whirlwinds, and is never shake
- 'Work 116', William Shakespeare
you are substantially more than just dead
I am a dish for your powder
I am a clench hand for your vanished air
the most awful thing about existence
is thinking that its gone
- 'The Unblinking Grief', Charles Bukowski
Try not to go delicate into that goodbye,
Seniority should consume and rave at close of day;
Wrath, seethe against the withering of the light
- 'Don't Go Gentle Into That Good Night', Dylan Thomas
World Poetry Day: Some exceptional pieces from one of the most remarkable poems ever written
Reviewed by The world News
March 21, 2018

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