1. MBBS admission test on Oct 5, BDS on Nov 9
The affirmation test for Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS) for scholastic session 2018-19 will be hung on October 5 while Bachelor of Dental Surgery (BDS) on November 9.
The choice was taken today at a gathering held at the wellbeing service with wellbeing pastor Mohammed Nasim in the seat.
Intrigued MBBS applicants can apply online on August 18-27 and BDS on October 16-27.
The applicants must have no less than a consolidated GPA of 9 in SSC and HSC examinations to apply for the confirmation tests.
The clergyman coordinated all worried to lead the confirmation tests straightforwardly.
State Minister for Health Zahid Maleque, Secretary GM Saleh Uddin, Vice Chancellor of Chittagong Medical University Dr Ismail Khan, Bangladesh Medical and Dental Council (BMDC) Director Professor Dr Sahidullah, Bangladesh Medical Association President Dr Mostafa Jalal Mohiuddin, Swadhinata Chikitshak Parishar President Dr Iqbal Arslan were available among others.
2. ‘Bangabandhu Square’ inaugurated at KUET
Bad habit Chancellor (VC) of Khulna University of Designing and Technology (KUET) Professor Dr Muhammad Alamgir the previous evening introduced 'Bangabandhu Square' through revealed stone before the amphitheater.
The scholastic exercises of KUET have been begun by the exceptional heading of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheik Mujibur Rahman in 1974, the VC said while introducing the function.
The KUET specialist offered respect and thanks to the draftsman of our extraordinary Liberation War through building 'Bangabandhu Square' here, he included.
Colleague Prof of KUET and furthermore originator of 'Bangabandhu Square' Md Sheik Sadi Bhiyan tended to the program while understudies, educators and representatives, among others, were available.
3. 6 DU students get Quazi Motahar Hussain award, scholarship
Six understudies of the Department of Statistics what's more, Institute of Statistical Research and Training of Dhaka University (DU) were deliberated with Quazi Motahar Hussain Memorial Award and grant today for their remarkable outcomes in unhitched male and ace's examinations.
Tasnim Fatema Alo, Nahid Kanon and Umme Naima Islam got Quazi Motahar Hussain grant, while Tasmia Saad Sutopa, Nishat tasnim Tushti what's more, Minul Islam got the honor.
Another three understudies – Durjoy dey, Pritom Saha and Sabina Akhter – got 'Quazi Motahar Hussain Foundation Award' in an article composing rivalry on "Life and works of Quazi Motahar Hussain".
DU Vice-Chancellor Prof Dr Md Akhtaruzzaman gave over the honors and grant to the understudies at a capacity at Teacher-Student Center (TSC) hall.
Quazi Motahar Hussain Foundation, the Department of Statistics and the Organization of Statistical Research and Training mutually composed the work, denoting the 121st birth commemoration of the late teacher of the measurements division.
Motahar Hussain's little girl Sanjida Khatun managed the capacity while Dr M Ataharul Islam conveyed 'Quazi Motahar Hussain dedication address'. Conceived in Kushtia in 1897, the prominent educationist and rationalist began educating in the recently settled Dhaka University in 1921. He passed away in 1981.
4. 11 DU students get PM gold medal
A sum of 11 understudies of Dhaka University (DU) were granted with the Prime Minister's (PM) Gold Medal-2017 by the College Grants Commission (UGC) in acknowledgment of their extraordinary comes about.
PM Sheik Hasina gave over the gold awards among the DU understudies at Shapla Hall at her office on July 25 last at the prize giving service, a DU official statement said today.
The awardees are: Umme Sumaiya of Theater and Performance Studies Division , Md Sharif Hossain of Mathematics Department, Nasrin Akhter of Law Department, Rasheda Akhtar Rupa of Management Information Systems Division, Shah Md Azimul Ehsan of Public organization Department, Pausali Saha of Pharmacy Department, Md Mahmudul Hasan of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology Department, Tamanna Mehran Shimu of Geology Department, Md Samiul Islam of Electrical and Electronic Engineering Department, Harendranath Roy of Oriental Art Department, Maisha Samiha Hossain of Prescription and Surgery Department.
DU Vice-Chancellor Prof Dr Md Akhtaruzzaman went to the capacity. An aggregate of 163 understudies from various colleges (both open and private) got Prime Minister's Gold Medal in 2017.
The Prime Minister Gold Medal was presented in 2005 as a push to empower gifted understudies of the nation's colleges.
5. Online registration for DU admission tests begins
The online application process for induction into first year respect's courses in various orders of Dhaka College (DU) under the 2018-19 scholarly session started today.
DU Vice-Chancellor Prof Akhtaruzzaman formally initiated the application process at 5:30 pm at the focal affirmation office at authoritative expanding on the grounds. Affirmation searchers can apply online from 5:30 pm today while the procedure will proceed till 12 am on August 26.
Qualified understudies should pay Tk 350 (counting bank and IT charge) for every unit through four state-run banks – Sonali, Agrani, Janata and Rupali.
Understudies can download their concede cards of 'Ga' and 'Cha' units from September 5 till examinations' date 9:00 am while the concede cards of in 'Ka', 'Kha' and 'Gha' from 10 September till exams' date 9:00 am.
This year, a sum of 7,128 seats are accessible while 1,750 seats for Ka (Science) unit, 2,378 for Kha (Arts) unit, 1,250 for Ga (Business) unit, 1,615 for 'Gha (joined) unit and 135 for Fine Arts workforce.
The capabilities of possibility to apply for affirmation are same like the earlier year, Prof Akhtaruzzaman said. "No electronic gadgets, including mini-computer, cell phone, electronic watch, will be permitted into the exam corridors. Like earlier years, metal finders will be set up at each passageway of the exam corridors to check any 'advanced imitation' and versatile court will be sent amid exams," he said.
He said if any understudy will take 'out of line means' amid test, he or she will be conveyed to equity, including that regular clothes investigators will be sent amid confirmation tests this year.
DU Pro-Vice Chancellor (instruction) Prof Dr Nasreen Ahmad, Pro-Vice Chancellor (Administration) Prof Dr Muhammad Samad, Treasurer Prof Dr Md Kamal Uddin, Convener of Online Admission Committee Prof Dr Md Hasibur Rashid, senior members of various resources, directors of various offices, chiefs of DU foundations, acting enlistment centers, and the DU delegate were, among others, display at the gathering.
The confirmation tests will start on September 14 with passage trial of Business Studies staff trains under "Ga-Unit" while confirmation trial of general learning for Fine Arts Faculty under "Cha-Unit" on September 15.
The trial of "Kha-Unit" for induction into various dissuades under Arts what's more, Social Sciences resources will be hung on September 21 while affirmation trial of illustration for Fine Arts Faculty under "Cha-Unit" on September 22.
"Ka-Unit" affirmation test for science aggregate understudies will be hung on September 28 and "Gha-Unit" (consolidated unit) tests for science, business studies and humanities gatherings' understudies on October 12.
6. DU’s MCJ dept celebrates founding anniversary
The Department of Mass Communication and News coverage (MCJ) of Dhaka University (DU) today commended its 56th establishing commemoration in the midst of party and ballyhoo.
With the subject, "Broad communications, Mass People and Democracy", the occasion started with a beautiful parade which was brought out from the base of Aparajeya Bangla premises toward the beginning of the day.
A class was held at the Muzaffaor Ahmed Chowdhury theater of the college where Professor Emeritus Dr A F Serajul Islam Chowdhury exhibited a keynote paper titled 'Broad communications, Social System and Liberty of Mass Individuals'.
DU Vice Chancellor (VC) Prof Dr. Md Akhtaruzzaman tended to the capacity as boss visitor while office director Prof Kaberi Gayen managed the capacity.
In his discourse, Prof Serajul said broad communications is to a great extent affected by notices as most daily papers will undoubtedly distribute commercial substance to prosper their organizations.
While tending to the program, VC Prof Akhtaruzzaman said objectivity is the way to news coverage and without this news-casting is incomprehensible.
Education News 6 August 2018 ( Monday )
Reviewed by The world News
August 06, 2018

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