14 militants killed in Afghan forces' operations in southern province

Fourteen aggressors have been killed and 12 others harmed after Afghan armed force struck their situations in Helmand area, south of Afghanistan, the Defense Ministry said Saturday. 

"Afghan National Army (ANA) sponsored via Air Force propelled military tasks in Nahri Sarraj and neighboring Greshk areas of Helmand region on Friday, killing 14 agitators and harming 12 others," the service said in an announcement. 

A hazardous loaded truck, three Taliban activists' alcoves together with more than 50 kg unstable materials were disposed of amid the attacks. 

Helmand, infamous for poppy developing, is likewise a known Taliban fortress. 

The Taliban guerilla gathering, which has been pursuing an uprising of over 16 years, presently can't seem to make remarks on the reprot.
14 militants killed in Afghan forces' operations in southern province 14 militants killed in Afghan forces' operations in southern province Reviewed by The world News on March 10, 2018 Rating: 5

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