An uneventful sit-in arranged by BNP before Jatiya Press Club was thwarted when casually dressed policemen swooped on Chhatra Dal pioneer Mizanur Rahman Raju yesterday.
BNP pioneers and activists started to assemble well in front of the program in the midst of an expansive nearness of law masters and uproar control vehicles.
They began the sit-in around 11:00am with senior pioneers including Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir requesting arrival of BNP executive Khaleda Zia. Activity crept to a stop as many BNP supporters remained out and about.
With mottos and talks, the program was going to end around 11:47am when casually dressed policemen endeavored to get Chhatra Dal Dhaka north President Mizanur Rahman Raju.
To maintain a strategic distance from capture, he clutched Mirza Fakhrul Islam, who was adjacent. As policemen swooped on him and got him, he tumbled to the ground alongside Fakhrul, inciting different pioneers to surge towards them, as indicated by witnesses.
As a befuddled fight broke out amongst police and activists, the whole program was tossed into confuse.
Raju's garments were torn when police had bound him and conveyed him to a vehicle.
Before leaving, Fakhrul told correspondents that police thwarted their "tranquil program" with no incitement.
BNP pioneers later advised columnists at the gathering's Nayapaltan office.
Region and city BNP units the nation over would hold programs tomorrow to dissent the episode, Fakhrul said.
He included that the way in which BNP pioneers and activists were being captured was like that of "Gestapo Force" of Hitler.
"Every one of the projects we saw since our gathering director was sent to imprison were serene. Be that as it may, police thwarted our projects with no affectation and captured our pioneers and activists."
Police, in any case, asserted that they didn't thwart the sit-in yet just captured Raju in light of the fact that he was blamed in a number for cases.
"We didn't thwart their program. BNP pioneers would have the capacity to explain why they couldn't watch the programme.... We captured the Chhatra Dal pioneer as there are a few bodies of evidence against him," Devdas Bhattacharya, extra magistrate of Dhaka Metropolitan Police, said.
"We didn't assault on BNP's program. We don't know whether they have any inside issues."
BNP Sit-in: Police make it eventful
Reviewed by The world News
March 09, 2018

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