Naming the notable March 7 discourse of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheik Mujibur Rahman as unique, Prime Minister Sheik Hasina today said his discourse is a wellspring of motivation for all flexibility cherishing individuals of the globe.
"Presently today, the entire of the Bangali country is glad for it. I'll say we have our 'harano manik' (lost gem) ... this discourse was lost for long 21 years after 1975 and sick endeavors were made to eradicate it," she told a course as the central visitor.
She included: "Not just for us, all nations of the world can take after this memorable discourse as it's a wellspring of motivation for all flexibility adoring individuals of the globe."
Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheik Mujibur Rahman Memorial Trust composed the class titled "Notable 7 March Speech and Political Wisdom of Bangabandhu" in the hall of Krishibid Institution, Bangladesh here this evening.
Teacher Emeritus Dr Alamgir Mohammad Sirajuddin made the keynote introduction while Associate Editor of the Asian Age Syed Badrul Ahsan and Dhaka University Professor Dr Aksadul Alam participated in the talk on the keynote introduction.
Commemoration Trust part Secretary Sheik Hafizur Rahman gave the appreciated address while CEO of the Trust Mashura Hossain gave the vote of much obliged.
The head said no country on the planet with the exception of the Bengalis could release such noncooperation development under the administration of Bangabandhu Sheik Mujibur Rahman for long 23 years.
She said amid the battle for autonomy and the War of Liberation, the contrary energies were the Albadars, Razakars and the counter freedom powers.
"They got control after the death of Bangabandhu in 1975 and stopped the pace of improvement and along these lines contorted history," she said.
However, now today, she stated, this notable 7 March Speech of Bangabandhu has made its place into the World Documentary Heritage by the Unesco and it is likewise one of the best talks of all circumstances.
"This discourse is extraordinary and interesting from the discourse of others and there is no correlation with it and it's a unique discourse. We have a precious resource. After 1975, this discourse was illegal for long 21 years and a whole age couldn't think about it as it was misshaped," she included.
Sheik Hasina said this discourse had a full order for transforming a noncooperation development into a furnished insurgency while this discourse had additionally motivated the general population of the nation including the flexibility contenders amid the nine months of the ridiculous War of Liberation.
Alluding to the continuous trial of war hoodlums and the execution of trial of the Bangabandhu executioners, the head administrator said her legislature would keep on working for monetary liberation of the nation's kin as it was additionally shown in that memorable discourse.
"We're pushing forward and will keep on moving ahead Insha Allah .... we'll assemble 'Sonar Bangla' as imagined by the Father of the Nation," she attested.
March 7 speech source of inspiration for freedom-loving people: PM
Reviewed by The world News
March 09, 2018

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